Price and location changes in September



Movement and sport have been with me all my life.

I started my studies at the University of Physical Education as a physical education coach. It was here that I was given the anatomical and physiological foundations that have helped me to this day. I then started to further my education at the International Academy of Massage, where I acquired my clinical knowledge and the basics of massage. Since 2018 I have been working in my profession as a qualified physiotherapist and sports masseur.


“Whether it is a lifestyle-related disorder, a sports injury or a physical musculoskeletal disorder of psychological origin, I always seek a holistic, all-encompassing approach to finding a solution.“


I started learning about FDM therapy in 2020,

I have successfully completed and applied all three steps. This therapy has gained worldwide recognition and can help us to reduce symptoms and relieve pain even more effectively. I am constantly expanding my knowledge, learning the latest research-based methods to become a well- trained, up-to-date practitioner.

“I feel it is my mission to provide people not only with symptomatic treatment, but also with a long-term solution to their existing problems and to prevent their recurrence.”


In 2023 I completed the Sports Rehabilitation Trainer training at Feövenyessy Academy.

Where I was able to learn a different approach, so I can help an even wider range of people, whether it's acute, chronic pain or prevention. I also work with professional and amateur athletes, focusing on both the causes and prevention of sports injuries.


“What would I say if asked why this profession interests me? Because I can help people. People whom I might not meet anywhere else. And I don't just help them, I also get to know them. I learn a lot from them and from the things they share with me.“